Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I know, we've all heard about the fool that ran onto the middle of the field in Philly and got his ass lit up by a police officer with an itchy trigger finger on his tazer. Is it spelled "tazer", with a z? I don't care, because I think it sounds like lazer, and lazer should have a z in it too, although after carefully checking my trusty leather bound dictionary it definitely does not. I digress. However, it's pretty well known that if you pull a stupid stunt like run onto the middle of the field waving your free rally towel around like an idiot at the very least you're going to spend the night in jail but now Philly has upped the ante and we're looking at straight up semi-torture for the poor intoxicated amateur soul that tries to make the blooper reel.

After what happened to the 1st base coach in Chicago a few years ago, the security definitely has the right to use force with any dipsh*t that tries to make it from the fence to 2nd base, but is tazing going to be the new thing now? I'm guessing all the press this is getting is more or less an open invite to a bunch of equally stupid sh*t heads and dipsh*ts and possibly dumbsh*tasses, to see what happens around the country when they jump the wall. Honestly though I could care less about these guys, I just hope Heidi has her tazer all charged up and if she doesn't have one I'm going to start a petition to get her one. Of course I get to deliver it and sign the card, but I'll put every one's name on it. Don't worry.


BBG said...

No, the wave of the future is in the Uzi...you don't have to get real close to the lazy drunken dipsh*ts with an Uzi...

Educated Steve said...

um, okay. guns.