Monday, December 28, 2009

Maybe we need to be more Evil

Maybe the front office needs to take a lesson from Dr. Evil and be just that. Evil. Evil in this case means giving Saint Lowell the heave-ho and freeing up whatever space needed, be it Jacoby exiting stage left or something else, then they can evily sign Captain Pastey (Bay) to a back-loaded evil contract and show those jerks in NY what Evil Empire really means. Someone has to put on their big boy evil pants because right now the only upgrade I'm seeing offensively on this team is Scoots at SS and that's just more of a default upgrade because we're assuming he'll be the only guy suiting up there instead of the 12 or so guys that passed through there last year. Yes a full year of V-Mart in place of Tek and the addition of Lackey will help but I think that there is still a piece missing. An evil piece.

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