Friday, January 15, 2010

Well Oki then

The Okster is coming back for another year of no-looking deliveries and maybe even another year of showing up Dice-K. Not that Dice has been a total disappointment, he did that have 18 win season, but for the most part Oki has been a lot more dependable than the guy that came packaged with. My baseball sources tell me having a lefty in the 'pen is a good thing and my baseball salary sources tell me that paying less then $3M for a guy like Oki is "good value".

All "value" aside I've always liked Oki. Starters have a few innings to prove themselves and work out of jams but relievers have to perform right away usually in tight spots and I've never had that nervous "hurl everything I ate today" feeling when he comes trotting in. As a tribute to the Ok, tomorrow I'm going to do everything in a "no-look" fashion. We'll have to wait and see how getting to work goes.


Jon said...

FYI - No look eggs were a mess and oddly I didn't get cleaned up too well after my blind shower. How does Oki do it?

BBG said...

I'm sure the area around your toilet was pretty scarey, too...

Jon said...

I didn't want to sink to that level of "potty" humor, but since you went there... No, I won't sink. And no, I didn't hit the sink.

BBG said...

What potty humor? I thought we were talking about no look peeing? Blind urination? There's nuthin' funny 'bout THAT!!